Monday 26 February 2018

We will try ADrive now again

As there seems to exist no solution for the Dropbox problems we decided after some reflection to go back to ADrive. ADrive seems to have almost no limitations to downloads. It allows up to 1.000 downloads at the same time which will probably never be reached on our blog. Let's hope things work now without any problems. Step by step we will transfer all Dropbox links to ADrive. We did already the two most recent ones and will still this evening post a new entry.


  1. Thank you for your efforts in securing a decent file host. As a fellow blogger, I know that so much work and so many hassles and problems occur behind the scenes.

    Once again, and not for the last time, I thank you for your wonderful blog.

  2. Dear Sir
    Many thanks for the one by Siddheshwari Devi- an ever lasting joy.-Vinayak
