Monday 26 February 2018

The Younger Dagar Brothers: Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar (1933-1994) & Nasir Faiyazuddin Dagar (1934-1989) - LP released in India in 1968

Here we present a quite rare LP by the Junior Dagar Brothers, their very first LP. I recently was able to obtain a copy of this LP, which has certain shortcomings. First the cover had the correct back side, but the front had the cover of a Bollywood LP. In the internet I found a good scan of the correct front cover. But this front cover is from the original LP EASD 1334, whereas our LP and the backcover is from the export edition S/MOAE 181, both released in 1968. Secondly, the LP was not in good condition: it had some cracks and sidenoises.
Our friend LF from Scotland was so kind to clean the recording. Here what he wrote:
"I've just uploaded the processed files into your dropbox. You sent me 24-bit WAV files and I've returned them in the same format. The only problem was with side 2 track 1 where at around 1:28 there is a loud crack in the original. I think that there is a jump there. I expect that no amount of cleaning will get rid of this, unless there is some visible lump of grot stuck on the record.
The repair has no audible crack, but the rhythm suffers a slight jump, but not too awful I think? There are no cracks or pops in the rest of the music, except at very low level.  The recording is very stereo with one brother, with the slightly raspy voice in the left channel and the other brother with a sweet softer voice in the right channel." Thank you very very much, LF.
The voice on the left channel is the one of Zahiruddin Dagar and on the right channel it is Faiyazuddin Dagar.

In 2011 we posted a double LP by the Junior Dagar Brothers. We added now (28th of february) flac files.

About the artists see: 


  1. Thanks!

    I think I can hear the hard drives starting to hum and shake as the internet discovers another treasure.


  2. Thank goodness your blog is up and running again!!!! I was already starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, but with the new post my insatiable hunger for more dhrupad has been satisfied for a day or so!!

  3. Many thanks for this really rare share. I actually found this mono recording quite enjoyable with separate channels for each Dagar bro. LF from Scotland has done a really good job cleaning up....

    Superb Pakhawaj beats from Pt. Vithaldas Gujrati

  4. Great, thanks a a lot Tawfiq!

  5. Hi Richard,

    Indeed, this is another treasure that you have shared among the music lovers. Surely, words are not enough to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation! If possible, please give a shot of ripping in 32 bit quality. To be honest with you, these LPs are NOT that easily available to MAJORITY of the Indians WITHIN India. Also, these are either mutilated or overly used, and too costly sometimes. So, let's have the highest quality saved in digital form and let the LPs take a break. Ha...!!



  6. Dear Prasad,
    you are here NOT on Richards blog. You are here on Tawfiqs blog. Perhaps you read the two small posts just before this post. If you did or do read them you might understand that this is not possible as big files can contribute to block downloading for days and in the worst case forever. I just got luckily around this problem by choosing another service which costs again quite some money.

  7. Thank-you so much. Happy to PayPal a contribution to your file storage service.

  8. Thank you very much for the offer, BT, but at the moment I'm in a situation where it doesn't hurt. It is also a pleasure to do this and a way to give back to the music lovers a little of all the support they gave me in my last 25 years as a CD seller specialiced in these domains, before retiring three years ago.

  9. Thank you for sharing this rare treasure. Having met them in person and trained under Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar Saheb, it is special treat.

    Would love to hear more.
