Friday 23 February 2018

Dropbox downloads exceeding the limit of 200 GB per day

Dear music lovers, recently it happened several times that Dropbox downloads from my blog were not available, due to the fact that the download volume exceeded the limit of 200 GB per day. If this happens Dropbox blocks downloads for a day. As Dropbox doesn't offer any way to get around this, the only solution is to post in the future less, as I used to do over the last years. Only recently I posted more frequently. Perhaps I will do now only one post every 5 or 7 days and hopefully this will keep the amount of downloads beneath the 200 GB limit. For those who were not able to download I just can only ask them to be patient and wait till things get back to normal. I also ask you, not to share downloadlinks on other platforms as this can generate an enormous increase of downlaods. Thank you.


  1. This portal has been a real treasure for music lovers.. if something can be done, that would be great relief ..

  2. tough luck, man. Mega or mediafire perhaps a solution?
    i am confident you'll sort it out, all the best

  3. At least you know people are listening, right?

  4. Yes, that's true. Very funny. Thanks, you made me laugh.

  5. As flac files are larger, perhaps we should focus on mp3 to give more visitors an opportunity. Nice to see your posts are so popular.

  6. That is actually a good news, a way to all of us to learn about Patience
    So short nowadays, so important for true well being...
    And a must in order to really appreciate all treasures you post here.
    Thank you a lot for all these years of beautiful music you are sharing with us

  7. This limitation is maybe to celebrate the Dropbox' quotation in Wall street next week....

  8. Is there a way we could help pay for larger access too? It seems sharing costs makes a lot of sense. A lover of your selections...

    thank you.

  9. Thank you very much for your kind offer. But I have already the largest access. Let's just see if this gets back to normal soon. If not, then I have to think about other possibilities.

  10. one a week is better than none at all.
    Thank you for all your share.

  11. Sin duda alguna éste es uno de los mejores y más originales blogs de música de Internet, que ha abierto nuevos mundos a los melómanos. ¡Larga vida!

  12. LIFE SOUNDS BETTER THANKS TO Oriental-Traditional-Music.Blogspot !!!

  13. Gran Blog !! Acatado el mensaje. Puedes subir material de Tabla es muy interesante. Saludos

  14. Loved to see your commend addrssing this and the positive and encouraging responses form all, i love this. i have some downloads on queue and will just patiently wait till we can all enjoy this.
    love to all.

  15. Hello Tawfiq:

    If you have any downloads on Dropbox that are WAV files, you can reduce their file size by 50% by using FLAC.

    I always save the files to my own Dropbox account, which I don't think counts against your bandwidth usage. So therefore i would suggest to others who have a Dropbox account -- please do the same and then download locally to your own computer later.

    Best of luck to you!


  16. You have opened my ears to a world of music, sounds and feelings that I had never known...thank you and please continue.

  17. Thank you for your tremendous effort.This music is so hard to find and of so immense value.It is also a good opportunity for people to get acquainted with this kind of music.Your good work is much appreciated.Your blog is a real treasure house!

  18. Hello Tawfiq: I came across your wonderful blog and it is great to see recordings of old masters along with contemporary musicians.
    I have a whole bunch of LPs , both Hindustani & Karnatak, which I wish to pass on to you. Please contact me at so that we can discuss the details. Thanks.
