Sunday 3 March 2019

Mallikarjun Mansur - Morning and Evening Ragas - LP released in India in 1979

This is the companion LP to the one released a year earlier by the same label and which we posted in 2017: Pandit Mallikarjun Mansur sings rare and complex Ragas, our favourite Mallikarjun Mansur LP and the one with which we discovered this completely oustanding artist, one of our most beautiful musical discoveries ever. Both LPs were probably recorded in the same recording session.
This LP was republished several times as a CD, but the LP sounds so much better. I was only quite recently able to acquire it as an LP.
This is already our 10th post by this artist and will not be the last, insha'Allah. See here for the nine previous ones: 


  1. Thank you, this IS beautiful!

  2. Dear Tawfiq,

    Just wanted belatedly to thank you for all the remarkable vocal music you've been so generously providing these last few months: AKK, Amir Khan, Hirabai, Kesarbai, Mogubai, and now Mallikarjun Mansu. So many treasures! You've really outdone yourself, and lovers of Hindustanin music are in your debt!! Thanks a million!!!

  3. Can you locate the following LP (Salamat Ali Khan and Zakir Hussain)?

  4. I don't have this album and never heard of it before.

  5. Thanks. This seems to be a wonderful but unavailable program. The library of congress has a copy. However, they never allow making copies.
    I think, the person who mentioned this on, certainly has a copy. I am not sure how to contact the person.
