Sunday 29 January 2017

Dinkar Kaikini (1927-2010) - Raga Nand, Paraj & Bhajan - LP released in India in 1985

Dinkar Kaikini was a well-known singer of the Agra Gharana. Here we present a beautiful LP from 1985. Dhruba Ghosh is providing Sarangi accompaniment. So we have here the third recording in a row involving Dhruba Ghosh: first a LP by his legendary father Nikhil Ghosh, the great Tabla master, with Sarangi accompaniment by Dhruba Ghosh. Then the very first solo album by Dhruba Ghosh. And now as the third post a LP by one of his teachers, Dinkar Kaikini, providing Sarangi accompaniment for the singer.


  1. Not able to download through any of the link.

  2. Cannot able to download. None of the link is working.

  3. Cannot able to download. None of the link is working.

  4. See the discussion on this problem in the comments to the previous post on Dhruba Ghosh. I myself can't do anything about it.

  5. Thanks for this beautiful upload . I downloaded it successfully

  6. Thanks a lot Tawfig, no problem to download this one as far as I'm concerned!

  7. A great album. Thank you for sharing.

    Beautiful tabla playing, too. I just learned that Yogesh Samsi is his son!
    Thank you!

