Monday 23 January 2017

Dhruba Ghosh - Soulful Sarangi - Cassette published in India in 1989

On the artist see:


  1. Many thanks Tawfiq - this is superb.

  2. Thanks a lot Tawfiq, but I've got problem with the WAV file: I downalded it many times and everytimes, I stuck to 315 Mo, so I can't complete the download. I've no problem with the MP3 file though.

  3. Dear Rory, it seems that this is a problem due to your internet connection. As this happened quite a couple of times recently I would like to know in which part of the world the ones are who have this problem. It could also be a Dropbox problem. I don't know what to do. As long as this persists I will stop posting any new posts. Sorry.

  4. Hi Tawfiq, I don't want to bother you at all, I just would like to find a solution bc the music you post is so interesting for me and it would be a bummer to not listen to it. I honestly think it is not a connection issue, bc it is happening only for the the last three posts and for everyone it stops exactly at the same point. I tried so many times to download them that honestly it sounds impossible I didn't get the right moment, as you told me I tried also early morning or very late night but always it stops at the same point for all the three last posts. I tried older posts and it works fine. It sounds that also the other guys have exactly the same issue, stopping at 314mb. Again I want to underline that I just want to find a solution and not polemicize. Thank you again for all the incredible music you are sharing. All the best

  5. Thank you. But the file as it is stored on Dropbox has 525,17 MB. Therefore I don't know where the problem is and how to solve it.

  6. just to give a bit of information: i have just now downloaded the wav file completely. 525.17 mb downloaded in approx 31 seconds. no problems faced. from strasborg, france.

    thank you, Tawfiq.

  7. Thank you. Greetings to beautiful Strasbourg. I saw a couple of beautiful concerts there.
    I contacted Dropbox. Let's see what they have to say.

  8. Hi again Tawfiq, I tried many times with my personnal computer, and at work as well, but I'm always stucked to 315 Mo.

    It's the first time it's occurs, I downloaded all your posts, either on Adrive or Dropbox, and it's the first time I've got this problem (I live in France by the way).

    Anyways, I grabbed the MP3 file without trouble so please, DON'T STOP posting: as I already wrote here, your blog is a real goldmine, I love your posts and I check your blog almost everyday!

    It would be very sad if you decided to stop sharing your incredible collection, so, once again, keep on posting!!! :-)

  9. Thank you Rory. I will not stop, but before continuing there has to be found a solution. To deal with the problem takes the time I could put into preparing new posts and is very frustrating, especially when one doesn't know at all where the problem is. Often it is the internet connection of the one who wants to download something. I was myself for years in this situation living in a very small village at the very end of a cable. The connection was extremely slow and files bigger then 100 MB often I was not able to download or only after many many tries. Now for a couple of years we have here a super fast connection thanks to some extremely rich people living in this village, but still now there are times where everything slows down.
    But it could also be a dropbox problem. Let's see what they have to say.
    One can also google the problem. One site (in Germany) said that there can be 3 reasons for this problem: it can be the website (Dropbox), it can be your PC (try to download from another PC) and if it also doesn't work on another PC it can be the internet connection, or it can be the anti virus software. Deactivate it for a moment and try then do download while the software is deactivated. Hope this helps.

  10. Thank you very much Tawfiq, I will try from another computer, and at least I will get the mp3. best

  11. Thanks a lot Tawfiq, I'll try again, I don't give up! I'll let you know.

  12. No download issues here in England either!

  13. Hi Tawfiq and hello all the followers, I tried again and again to download the WAV file, and finally, this morning, it works, I just download the WAV file wihout any trouble! :-)

    I don't know what happened, but everything is OK now, thanks a lot Tawfiq!

  14. Hi Tawfiq, now everything is fine also here, wav file works, thanks a lot!

  15. We still don't know what the problem was. Dropbox didn't answer yet to my request. But it seems, a lesson we all can draw from this experience is just to have a little patience. Thank you all for your feedback.

  16. Hello Tawfiq
    thank you very much for your posts, great music!
    I have the same download problem like Rory. There is a dropbox download limit in 300 mb, that`s why we can`t download big files. If it`s possible, split the big files in half, no bigger than 300 mb.

  17. Hello Tawfiq
    in my previous message i asked you if you can split the big files in half, because of a dropbox download limit. But i tried to download the 3 latest albums, that you posted, with success. So it seems that`s everything is ok now.
    Thanks, again!

  18. I can recommend downloading big files via JDownloader. It's free software and works very well with big files. You can pause and resume file downloading. Btw: Many, many thanks for the wonderful musique!

    Btw: Do you have something related musique sounding similiar/like - I bought and love this album and maybe you can recommend or upload similiar spheres.

    Thank you and best,

  19. The Santur CD you mentioned is not really a great one. On my blog are two Santur posts plus one by the most outstanding Santur player accompanying a singer. I will post in a couple of months a solo LP by him.

  20. By the way, there is no need for a downloading program as the files of this blog download automatically once you press on the files (on flac or mp3).

  21. Many thanks for this beautiful recording.
