Thursday 1 October 2015

Rasulxon (Rasul Qori) Mamadaliev (1928-1976) - MP3-CD from Uzbekistan

Here the fourth post in our series of MP3-CDs of great singers of the Maqam traditions of Uzbekistan, published years ago in Uzbekistan and brought by our friend Danny from a trip to Uzbekistan. This time the great singer Rasul Qori Mamadaliev (1928-1976). 
Jean During wrote about him in the booklet to the CD "Ouzbekistan - Les Grandes Voix du Passé (1940-1965)", on which he published three tracks by the great singer, the only ones available in the west:
"Rasul Qari Mamadaliev (1928-1976) was another brilliant successor of Jura-khan Sultanov whose repertoire he picked up, listening to him perform at toy. He also studied with Hamraqul Qari and Damla Halim Ibadov from Bukhara. Just as he learnt Khorezm repertoire, listening to Sultanov, he also made his own synthesis of the three great Uzbek-Tajik traditions. He was exceptional in other ways too: blind, he had a phenomenal memory and, if he liked a tune, was able to pick it up after one or two hearings. He put together a repertoire of thousands of songs, just listening to the radio or recordings. Short and very fat, his powerful, chubby hand had trouble reaching the low notes at the bottom of the neck of the tanbu so he held his Instrument vertically and only played in the top register with a tension and a density more akin to Uigur or Azeri lutes than to those of Ferghana. He was in great demand at toy for the extraordinary atmosphere he was able to create, and also for his sense of humour and witty tongue. In this context, his music was much more powerful  and impressive than in his recordings for the radio. Unfortunately the technical quality of his toy recordings was not good enough to be included in this anthology.
For certain connoisseurs, he is the greatest classical bard (hafiz) of this century, especially when one considers the range of his capabilities (an unequalled vocal and instrumental technique serving all genres and traditions), his incredible memory, his humour and wit. What's more, he was generous (he would sing for nearly eight hours a day) and would give his audiences exactly what they wanted, at times even more, with songs in a lighter vein and Russian melodies.
One anecdote reveals the provocating aspect of bis personality, and his respect for tradition. In his village, near Quqand, Rasul Qari had more than a dozen students. One night, at a party they had all been invited to, Jura-khan Sultanov turned up. From 6 p.m. until l a.m., Rasul Qari had each of his students sing the best pieces from Jura-khan's repertoire, taking away tbe latter's chances to demonstrate his superiority. Jura-khan just waited quietly for his turn. When he was finally asked to sing, he rolled up his sleeves, pitched the tanbur up a tone, and performed one of his compositions that nobody knew, to a poem by Nava'i. His interpret­ation was so astounding that he eclipsed everyone else. When he had finished, Rasul Qari came up to him and fell to his feet, begging his pardon. Although not a student of Jura-khan, he had learnt many of his compositions thanks to the radio. Rasul Qari also died singing, from a cerebral stroke, at the age of forty-seven."


  1. Thanks a millino for continuing this gem of a series!
    Just a question - will upcoming posts be all vocal ones or will there be any instrumental discs by any chance?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. thank you a zillion times for ze wonderfull music, ya Tewfiq

  4. As the next post I plan an instrumetal one, the only one in the series. By Turgun Alimatov.

  5. much appreciated, thanks a lot

  6. Hello Tawfiq

    thanks for the great posts. I have really enjoyed so much of the music you have posted. Especially the Uzbeki and Algerian posts.

    Would you have an email address where i could send you a message?

    thanks Matthew Lavoie (I used to have the VOA African music Treasures blog)

  7. Fabulous!! Thanks Tawfiq. Do you happen to know if Rasul-Qori is related to Fattoxxon Mamadaliev?? I've assumed so, but it would be nice to be sure...

    A big thank you for the recent Uzbek music. It's been a while - obviously - since I was here, now I am kicking myself for not having grabbed these earlier & started listening!!


  8. Hi david, I never heard anything pointing to this. I think also that Fattoxxon Mamadaliev has different teachers.
