Friday 13 February 2015

Anjanibai Lolekar (born 1928) - LP published in India in 1968

Here the third post of great female voices of the Agra Gharana. Anjanibai Lolekar was born on 8.9.1928. She learnt from Ustad Anwar Hussain Khan (1910-1966), a brother of Ustad Khadim Hussain Khan and Ustad Latafat Hussain Khan. If she is still living, I don't know. Hardly anything can be found about her in the internet.


  1. Wow.
    Thank you so much.
    It's uncanny how every single one of these Agra women singers have recorded Jaijaiwanti. It's almost like a right of passage.
    Anjanibai Lolekar, Dipali Nag, Purnima Sen and Subhra Guha.

  2. Salam Mister Tawfiq,

    I apologize for answer too late (see you post below).
    Here is my email :

    I've a lot of thinking and suggestions to share with you (as soon as I get you mail we will start that)


    Your last post :
    Tawfiq said...
    As Salamu alaikum Si Souhail,
    I'm German. I think most of the recitations one finds on YouTube are from the complete Qur'an on 60 cassettes. Most of the ones I posted are from a series of 8 cassettes recorded at another time. I don't know if this series has more volumes. The ones I have are TCK678 - TCK683. The last two ones I have not yet posted, but will somewhere in the future, insha'Allah.
    I also have two cassettes which a Moroccan friend copied for me in the late 1980s. These are definitely different from the ones published on TCK.
    I'm also interested in older Moroccan Munshids. Recently on YouTube 15 albums by Muhammad al Barraq have been posted:
    Another munshid I have only one slightly defective cassette of is Said Mouslim - El Borda on a label called Menebhi. 25 years ago I saw quite a number of cassettes by him, but afterwards couldn't find anything by him anymore. Do you know him?
    Another thing I'm searching for a long time without any success are these two boxes:
    BOURDA , coffret de 7 CDs
    Sous la supervision du maître Abdellatif Benmansour, les 7 CDs de cet enregistrement rassemblent des voix appartenant à plusieurs villes du Maroc, interprétant dans une version complète les deux célèbres poèmes d’Al Bouçairi avec les nombreux intermèdes d’usage.
    Prix du coffret : 600,00 DH
    FAYYACHIA, GHAWTIYYAT et SAMAE, coffret de 3 CDs
    Répertoire soufi populaire : Ana Mali Fiyyach de sidi Yahya Chorfi, ad do’âe annaçiri, al mounfarija, ainsi que d’autres de chants mystiques enregistrés sous la supervision du maître Adbellatif Benmansour.
    Prix du coffret : 400,00 DH
    Both are published by the Minstère de la Culture du Rouyaume du Maroc.
    If you ever come to Morocco and could buy them for me I would be very grateful. Perhaps we can continue to communicate privately. Could you send me your email address, please.
    3 February 2015 at 10:06

  3. This is so wonderful! I've been looking for long-ish renditions by Anjanibai for so long. SO grateful...
