Tuesday 8 May 2012

Mohammed Shareef Khan Poonchwala - Sitar - A Tribute to Hazrat Amir Khusrau - LP EMCPM-5013 (1975)

Ustad Mohammed Shareef Khan Poonchwala - Sitar
Mohammed Tufail Narowali - Tabla

On the first edition of this LP the music on one side was distorted. Later the LP was republished as LKDE-20020. The new edition did not have this distortion, but unfortunately it came with a generic cover. So we present here the music of the second edition, but the cover of the first edition. This is the 4th LP by the great master on this blog. We still have a 5th LP, which we will post in the future.

Side 1:
Raag Saz Giri (20:39)

Side 2:
Raag Surparda (21:03)


  1. thanks Tawfiq, a very welcome addition :-)

    I wonder what the others where in this tribute series? I have a bad and incomplete tape copy of the one by Ustad Salamat Ali Khan (might that appear here one day? would love to have a decent copy of that).

    anyways, thanks again.

  2. I think the Salamat Ali Khan was the only other classical one in this series. Other volumes were Qawwali, Ghazals etc. I didn't buy them at that time as they didn't seam to be interesting, even the Qawwali didn't seam to be very interesting.
    The Salamat Ali I don't have as LP, only as a copy from the internet.

  3. Dear Sir,

    Just want to say that we are grateful to you for this priceless music.

    GOD bless you...

  4. tvm tyvm tym!! for posting this....imo poonchwale is the 2nd-greatest sitar player.

    His kirwani, dhani, bageshree are better than nikhil's which is really saying something.

    btw, another good pakistani sitar player is mohammad alam khan

    -- do you have any of his stuff??(malkauns/madhuvanti is availabe on the net)

  5. Mohammad Alam Khan was a student of Mohammad Sharif Khan. The tracks you mention are apparently the only ones existing. They are from the LP EMI Pakistan LKDE-20014, published in 1975.

  6. Thanks so much for these, I always eagerly await your MSKP posts.

  7. Anyone know where I can purchase this LP record?

