Friday 11 May 2012

Ali Akbar Khan - North Indian Master Of The Sarod - WPS-21433 (1964)

Ali Akbar Khan - Sarod
Shankar Ghosh - Tabla

Side 1:
1. Raga Darbari Kanara - Alap (9:55)
2. Raga Misra Mand - Gat in Tala Kaharwa & Gat in Tal Chachar (12:40)

Side 2:
1. Raga Basant Mookhari - Alap (9:40)
2. Raga Basant Mookhari - Slow Gat in Tintal & Fast Gat in Tintal (13:21)


  1. I want to thank you for all your wonderful posts since you've 'been back'. really great music. thanks for the effort, its appreciated.

  2. nice one, Tawfiq. thanks :-) it is the rather tasty Basant Moooooookhari that seems to have ended up on repeat for me.
