Tuesday 19 February 2019

Kesarbai Kerkar - Classic Gold 2 - Cassette released in India in 1998

Here the second volume of 78 rpm records by the great artist. As in the previous one, each track is an amazing jewel. With this our series of posts of recordings by one of the most outstanding artists of recording history is completed.
A funny thing: during our posting of these recordings the visits to our blog went down by almost 50%. For me the proof that really great artists and especially their archival recordings are not that appreciated even by visistors of our blog. I take this as a sign that I'm on the right track and will continue to post rare recordings by almost forgotten artists. Of course there will be also great artists - as in the past - who are admired by a greater public.


  1. Thsnk you very much for this introduction to an artist I had not known of before these posts. Your work is greatly appreciated.

  2. She is incredible! Thank you for making these available!

  3. it is their loss, thank you for these great treasures!

  4. Thank you very much for all the amazing work you do. My gratitude for your work is ineffable.

    I clicked on both the mp3 and the flac links on this post and the previous "Classic Gold" post as well. I don't find the "Download" link on Dropbox. It might be an issue on my side, but just thought I should let you know.

  5. Both links work perfectly. Please try again and again till it works for you too.

  6. Also discovering Kesarbai Kerkar with these recordings. Many thanks!

  7. while its true i havne't been to your site in awhile just wanted u to know it had nothing to do with what you were posting. just busy life, some tragedy and temporary illness. etc.
    i value greatly the rare recodings of artists i already know and those remarkable discoveries of new artists that you reveal. thanks u so much
