Saturday 1 December 2018

R.V. Jadhav (1885−1964) - Gharana - Kirana - Cassette released in India in 1999

Here some beautiful recordings by a direct disciple of Ustad Abdul Karim Khan. With these recordings one has perhaps an impression how longer performances of Ustad Abdul Karim Khan might have sounded. See also the remarks at our post of an LP by Yeshwantrai Purohit (1916-1964).

On the artist, also known as Vishwanath Jadhav, see: 


  1. Fantatistic music from an amazing representative of Kirana Gharana! Most people (including me) wouldn't have even heard of him.
    Another outstanding share.... many thanks

  2. I just downloaded this one. Wow, what a great singer! Thank you so much for sharing this-- as someone else suggested, he seems pretty much an unknown, and most of us would have otherwise never have been exposed to his amazing artistry. Do you happen to know if there is anything else available anywhere by him? All the best.

  3. Unfortunately I don't know of any other recodings by him.
