Monday 5 November 2018

Budhaditya Mukherjee - Sitar Wizard - LP released in India in 1978

Here a wonderful and quite rare LP by the brilliant Budhaditya Mukherjee. Until recently it was missing in my collection. I even didn't know of its existence till a couple of years ago. It is the second LP by the artist. I bought already his first LP when it came out and then followed his career buying all his other LPs as they came out and also a number of his CDs. This is the 5th recording by the artist on our blog. We will post two more in the next couple of days.
This LP I bought recently from India. As almost always with used LPs from India it suffers from certain shortcomings. The most visible are the waterstains on the back. I think this comes with the years from the extreme humidity of the monsoon season. I even have a number of LPs which had had in the past mold on the back. The LP itself has quite some surface noises, which might have come from being played many times with a quite used needle. LPs in India suffer often also from dust. With ClickRepair it was easy to get rid of these surface noises.
The funny thing is that this LP was sold as being in a 85 to 90% perfect condition for the LP and the cover was judged excellent. This one has probably to understand in an Indian context where old LPs are in general in much worse conditions. But anyway, I'm happy to have this LP now.


  1. I very much love Budhaditya's playing. I had a K7 copy of this ripped from a friend for a very long time but alas now gone.

    Thank you again and and always for so much incredible music that we barely have time to listen to. Your taste is impeccable.

    VERY VERY much appreciate all your posts.


  2. oh yes another gem , thank you!
