Friday 23 November 2018

ADrive problems

Occasionally ADrive is not working. I guess the reason is that too many music lovers try to download at the same time. Once for all: the links will never be dead as long as I pay for it. And I plan to pay as long as I'm living, inshaAllah. 
The solution is just to have a little patience - by the way a very beautiful quality - and to try again at a later point. Thank you.
The same is true also for the Dropbox download links.


  1. And thank you very very much for all the wonderful music you have provided over the years. I do believe if you're ever in some financial difficulties, plenty of us here would chip in as much as we can afford to. Bless.

  2. You have no idea how much you've given to me. So, how do I return the favor? How do I donate financially to your blog?

  3. Thank you very much for the offers. Very kind. But at the moment there is really no need to come in. My blog is also meant as a small thank you to all those music lovers who bought over the last 25 years so many CDs from me. Only a couple of years ago I stopped my business importing and selling CDs of traditional Oriental music, mainly because of reaching the retiring age.

  4. Thank you for what you do. And, yes, patience is a beautiful thing in this world of instant gratification.

  5. I join the above comments. Let us know however we can help if ever we can help !
    Otherwise as always, thank you eternally dear Tawfiq

  6. Thanks for your generousity (I hope I wrote the word correctly). As for the ADrive problems: In my experience it works after about the third try (in average) and I can assure you that those "tryings in vain" are quite sweet moments of waiting for me because I know in the end it ALWAYS works. I'm visiting your site nearly every day for a few years now and is has definitively widened my horizon. So thanks a lot once more.

  7. Hi Tawfiq, thank you very much for your reply and all your shares on this truly wonderful blog.

    Regarding Adrive, there are indeed sometimes troubles but ususally everything was OK with patience... Except on the RS/AAK post: I tried everyday since 4 days, even several times a day and it doesn't work, I've always got a message "invalid adress", that's why I posted I had a problem.

    If others have succeeded to download it, please let me know, maybe the problem come from me!

    Anyway, thanks again and sorry!

  8. The RS/AAK download links are not on ADrive but on Dropbox. But here the same remarks apply also. I just checked the links and were able to download everything. This post is quite recent and that means still very much visited. In a couple of days it should be easier. Patience.
    And as I said, these links never turn dead. So the problem is somewhere else.

  9. Many thanks Tawfiq Saab for the awesome music that you have shared through your blog over the years, especially, rare LPs, concert recordings, etc.

    Wishing you all the very best !


  10. Dear Tawfiq,

    I will be happy to buy some more CDs from you very soon. I can only repeat what previous comments have said: your work is remarkable – the high-quality cover scans to go with the good rips – and all of these strictly from out-of-print items (and rare concerts). And what's the best: those old recordings are so much warmer than most contemporary things I've heard, not to mention that many of these old masters are no longer around. Once contemporary, now eternal.

    It seems only recently – some 7-8 years ago – that I was first trying to sniff up some good Indian music online, and failed. Soon after that I tried again, with a little more success, and by now it's some five years that I'm trying to catch up with the wide variety that you offer in this one spot. I often look up other traditions as well, but the Indian records always resonate in a particular way for me.

    ADrive has worked perfectly for me, and if something would not work immediately, I'll just give a spin to one or some of the things I got previously and try again later.

    I hope you enjoy preparing the posts as much as we enjoy looking them up, and indeed it seems so.
