Thursday 30 August 2018

Jan Jan - Bakhshi Music from Turkmenistan - LP released in Soviet Turkmenistan in 1989

Here we start to post a series of three rare LPs of the music of the Bakhshis (bards) of Turkmenistan. Our friend Werner Durand contibuted these to our blog. Many thanks to him for his very generous sharing. In the future we will post more.
For more details on the music you can download the booklets to two CDs of Turkmen Bakhshis: Chants des femmes Bakhshi and Turkmen Epic Singing

In the past we had posted two cassettes with recordings from the Iranian part of Turkmenistan and a Japanese LP which had three recordings from Soviet Turkmenistan: see here.

Side 1:
Nuryagdı Bayramov - Vocal, Çarı Alladurdıev - Gidjak, Tagan Taganov - Dutar
1. Moy Oraz (muzıka nar.- Kemine)
2. Ne nujdayus v tebe (muzıka nar.- Zelili)
3. Agların (iz dastana «Zohre i Tahir»)
4. Jan - jan (iz dastana «Şasenem i Garib»)
5. Terekme (iz dastana «Zohre i Tahir») 

Side 2:
Annaseid Annamuradov - Dutar 
1. Taşgoldı
2. Uzor
3. Arzıman
4. Nar agajı
5. Gaşlı yar
6. Gorı (nar. melodii). 

One sees here, that on Side 1 in tracks 3 to 5 extracts from Dastans (Epics) are performed, namely the ones named "Zohre and Tahir" and "Şasenem and Gari". Dastan singing is the main art of the Bakhshis, but very often they sing also just songs or perform solo instrumental pieces on the Dotar as here on side 2. 
A Bakhshi is always accompanied by the Dotar, which he most times plays himself, and sometimes the ensemble is completed by a Gidjak, as here on side 1. It is the same instrument as the Iranian and Azerbaijani Kemencheh. The Bakhshis are often amazing virtuoso on the Dotar, a two-string long-necked lute, as here on side 2.


  1. Thanks a lot for all this records of central asia Tawfiq, i really love the sound of the dotar.

  2. Thank you very much for sharing these rare old Soviet LP's. This may be of interest to you:
