Saturday 18 August 2018

Barno Ishakova (1927-2001) - B. Iskhakova sings Tajik songs - LP released in Tajikistan in 1973

Here we present an LP we recently aquired, unfortunately with a generic cover. But anyway, it is the first LP by this great artist we ever got. She is considered to be the greatest female voice in classic Uzbek and Tajik Shashmaqom music. Born in Uzbekistan she spend most of her life in Tajikistan. At the end of her life she emigrated to Israel. 
The very helpful discography at Catalog of Soviet Records gives the following details:

Barno Isxakova

Side 1:
Sinaxuruş (muz. nar.— Kooni);
Xikojat mekunad (N. Şaulov — Dƶami);
Navruzi saʙo (muz. nar.—Xafiz);

Side 2:
Mugulcai dujux (muz. nar.— Furugi);
Capandozi uşşok (muz. nar,— Maxfi);
Nasri uşşok (muz. nar.—Xafiz)

Most of the pieces are from the Shashmaqam. Noteworthy is that the poets are Persian ones like Hafiz (Xafiz) and Jami (Dzami). Tajik is a language close to Persian while Uzbek is one of the Central Asian Turkic languages. The difference between the classical repertoire in Uzbekistan and in Tajikistan is only that in Uzbekistan the poems are most times in Chagatai, a late medieval form of Uzbek, and in Tajikistan they are in Persian.

On our recent post on Traditional Music Of The Tajik People there was one track by Barno Ishakova. In 2012 and 2016 we posted already three releases by her. We see here again how differently her name can be transcribed.

1 comment:

  1. So many wonderful posts, Tawfiq...

    Thank you so much.

    Please don't stop.
