Thursday 14 June 2018

Iran 1 - A Musical Anthology of the Orient - Unesco Collection - LP published in Germany in the early 1960s

Here the LP I promised to post last week. It has a.o. two outstanding long recordings by the singer Golpayegani (born 1933), accompanied on side one by the great Radif master Nur Ali Borumand (1905-1977) and on side two by Asghar Bahari (1905-1995), the great Kemanche master.
Unfortunately the singer later didn't stick to the tradition he inherited from two of the greatest Radif masters of his time: Nur Ali Borumand and the great singer Adib Khansari (1901-1982). Instead he opted for more popular music and the big success.
We don't have Iran II on LP, only on CD. So we will not post it. Anyway, the reason to post this LP was only to point out an early LP containing authentic Dastgah music from Iran and not the deluded version of the so-called Radio musicians. In effect the Dastgah Segah with Nur Ali Borumand is the first publication from the repertoire of this music as it was transmitted by the great Radif masters and completely unknown to the general public, even in Iran. See our post on Dariush Tala'i.
On the musicians see:

The photos on the cover and in the booklet are not depicting the musicians performing on this LP.


  1. Thank you very much for the iranian music lps. I also very much enjoyed the ones from Central Asia. Best. Armand

  2. Thank you, and eid mubarak a day late!

  3. Thanks Tawfiq, the more i listen the kemanche the more i like it.

  4. Dear Coltra, next week I will post a cassette by Asghar Bahari.

  5. Tawfiq, would you be interested in receiving the Iran II LP?

  6. Dear Tristan,
    thank you for the offer. I have it as CD (both LPs on a double CD). I don't want to post it as it mostly contains the socalled radio musicians, which are the musicians who can't compare with the authentic masters. My goal was to make known the real authentic music.
