Friday 29 June 2018

Comments function to our posts didn't work for over a month

Dear music lovers, it slowly dawned on me only two days ago that the comments function doesn't work anymore since over a month. First I thought that I don't receive any comments because the music I posted recently definitely interests most visitors of this blog much less than Indian music.
My dear blogger friend Richard from Flat, Black and Classical: Indian Classical Music on Vinyl and Cassette signaled a similar problem recently. This finally made me think that with the comment function on my blog something must be wrong. I contacted Richard and his response was very helpful, as always. Now everything works again and by now I moderated almost all of the comments. Sorry for the inconvenience.

1 comment:

  1. "... the music I posted recently definitely interests most visitors of this blog much less than Indian music."

    Always glad to be unusual - keep the Uzbek, Turkmen & iranian music coming!!

    (Sorry to be absent - not listening & not commenting - for so long...)

