Sunday 22 April 2018

Asad Ali Khan (1937-2011) - Rudra Veena - LP published in India in 1978

Here we present the only LP by the other great Rudra Veena master of recent decades, Ustad Asad Ali Khan. This LP was also a very exciting discovery for us as we were able to listen for the first time to the old Rudra Veena, before it was modified by Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar. It is very difficult to say which one to prefer: both have their beauty and are in effect two different aural worlds.
In the 1990s and the 2000s I had the good fortune to experience Asad Ali Khan quite a couple of times in concerts in Germany and in Holland. I also had opportunities to talk to him and experienced him as a person extremely enthousiastic and proud of the tradition he belonged to. It was exciting to listen to him. I always was very impressed by his exquisite musicianship and his perfect technique, especially his playing with three fingers, which I never had seen before with any other musician.
Ustad Asad Ali Khan has quite a number of CD releases.
His German student Carsten Wicke, now living in Kolkata, has on his YouTube channel a good number of excellent videos of his concerts in Germany and Holland.
In 2011 we posted a recording of a concert in Germany on the occasion of his passing away. We added now a flac file and covers. We will post next another concert from the same tour.
In the winter 2016/2017 I had a little mouse in my appartment and this tiny mouse decided to build its nest behind one shelf of my LP collection. It made confetti out of parts of the covers of my LPs (about 20) to make its nest more comfortable. Luckily most of the covers I had already scanned a while ago, but this one not. One can see on one side the marks of the sharp teeth of that little mouse. The mouse fed on the food of my bird at night. It took a while until I noticed its presence. Finally I was able to trap it into a box and set it free outside in the garden (it was already beginning of spring then).


  1. Thanks!

    Those videos that Carsten Wicke has uploaded are absolutely wonderful. I heard he lives in Kolkata -- maybe the next time I am there I can arrange to visit him.

  2. Many thanks for sharing this rare LP. Classical music is meant to quell hunger of all life forms, may that be humans, birds or rodents in one way or another. Late Asad saheb would have approved!
