Sunday 11 February 2018

Tejendra Narayan Majumdar - Sarod Recital - Cassette released in India in 1991

Tejendra Narayan Majumdar is for sure the most outstanding Sarod player of his generation. I saw him in the 1990s and the early 2000s quite a number of times in concert in Germany, Belgium and Holland and, if I remember right, also in Paris. He was always excellent, musically full of surprises and an incomparable freshness.
There exist quite a number of CDs by him, released in the US, in UK and in Germany. In India he is reguarly performing on All India Radio, but there are hardly any cassette or CD releases there.
This tape had at the beginning of side A heavy disturbences. After rewinding the tape a couple of times the tape is now ok, but the sound suffered a little bit, compared to side B.


  1. It’s intriguing to me that the covers of these Indian releases are in English rather than Hindi. In any event, thank you for all this wonderful music I'd probably not be able to hear otherwise.
