Sunday 4 February 2018

Sharmistha Sen - Sitar - Cassette released in India in 1993

Sharmistha Sen learned from Ustad Mushtaq Ali Khan of the Senia Gharana and his student Debu Chauduri. As far as I know there are only two CDs by her, one released in the US and one in India.


  1. Thank you!

    This and the previous cassette make a nice pairing.

    You are not only helping to preserve this music which is in real danger of slowly disappearing, but you are also inspiring current musicians of many different genres of music -- I have spoken to musicians who follow your blog . I have also shared some of the music I have downloaded with other musicians and they have been very grateful.

    If you get another chance to post some more music from Afghanistan, I would greatly appreciate that. The box set you uploaded in December has been playing on my portable music player quite a bit lately!

  2. Just to say thank you, Tawfiq. I was loosing this good habit...

    : )


  3. Thank-you very much for this and all your fantastic music

  4. Thank you very much for sharing these cassettes! Best wishes.
