Sunday 21 January 2018

Nasir Aminuddin Khan Dagar (1923-2000) - Cassette published in India in 1985

Here a beautiful cassette by Aminuddin Dagar of the Senior Dagar Brothers. Judging from the sound of the recordings it was recorded at the same time as the LP published in 1983. Bolingo posted this LP in 2011 on his wonderful blog. See here.
On the artist see:

In my shop on Discogs are still nine volumes of the "The Lyrical Tradition of Dhrupad" series, published by Makar Records, available at a good price. 


  1. So excited to get this cassette Tawfiq Saab. I have spent a lot of energy looking for this recording without success, and now its here....
    Many many, thanks.

    Among the Makar CDs, I'd highly recommend 3 - Pt. Indrakishore Mishra's (a highly underrated artist) take on Noharbaani, Shivshankar Mukherjee's Goharbaani (I believe this was the only time when he was recorded). Both CDs give some sense of the other 2 Baanis (Nohar and Gauhar), which are very different from Dagarbaani. Third, Girish Karia's Temple Dhrupad is unique, rare and beautiful.

  2. Thank youI

    I own many of the series of CDs from Makar records which you mentioned, and I will attest that they are of high production values and also high artistic standard.
