Sunday 28 January 2018

Chandrashekhar Naringrekar - Sitar & Surbahar - Music beyond Words - Cassette released in India in 1980

We take now a little break from our Dhrupad Series - as this might get a little too heavy for a number of visitors of this blog - with some cassettes of instrumental music. We start here with a quite rare cassette by the great Surbahar and Sitar master Chandrashekhar Naringrekar, a student of the Rudra Veena master Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar. This cassettes is perfect as a transition from Dhrupad to instrumental music. We had posted another cassette by him in 2011. See here.


  1. Merci de toutes ces découvertes...
    Music is a good way to love.

    Tank very much!

  2. Actually, since I don't understand what is being sung, I find that I prefer the instrumental posts more. Thank you!

    1. You don't need to understand the words. Words often distract from really great music. When I listen to "Lagrimas Negras" or songs by Maria Callas or Edith Piaff, I don't understand a word.

      Taking things one step forward, I understand the 2 or 3 most popular Indian languages, but I often can't understand the words in vocal Indian classical recitals. That's because of the dialect and the pronunciation. It doesn't affect my enjoyment at all.

  3. Thank you!

    This is my first exposure to this artist and also to this label.

    With warm wishes.

  4. Beautiful album indeed, especially the Surbahar section! The Indrakauns is a Raag that I have never heard of earlier. Probably Panditji's own creation

  5. Amarnad also has a cassette by Ut. Zia Mohiuddin Dagar - Todi, Malkauns, Nandeshwari, Vedic chant .... Amarnad AN-I-253
