Friday 22 December 2017

Orifxon Xatamov - Vol. 2 - MP3-CD from Uzbekistan by the great Maqom master

Orifxon Xatamov was perhaps the greatest Maqom singer (and Tanbur player) of his time. He is in the line of the greatest masters of the Maqom of the Ferghana Valley, connecting his teacher Jurakhan Sultanov and his brilliant disciple Mamurjan Uzakov to his own disciple, the last complete master Fattoxxon Mamadaliyev.
In 2015 we had posted a MP3-CD by the master and in 2012 a cassette. See our post from 2015 for information on the artist. 
Now we present the second volume of his complete works. This is one of the most beautiful collections of Uzbek Maqom music, a rich testimony to an era and a world unfortunately lost. It also contains quite a number of wonderful instrumental pieces. The MP3-CD has three folders: 1. Orif Xatamov, containing 73 tracks, 2. Beknazar Do'stmurodov, containing 8 tracks & 3. Abdunabi Ibragimov, containing 2 tracks. I guess that the artists of folders 2 and 3 are disciples of Orifxon Xatamov. In order to make downloading more convenient, we split the MP3-CD into two parts: part 1 containing tracks 1 to 35 plus the cover scans and part 2 containg tracks 36 to 73 plus the two other folders.
It was again our very dear friend Danny who brought this MP3-CD years ago from a visit to Uzbekistan and shared it so generously.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Still the best.

    I love this Uzbek music. The Fattoxxon Mamadaliyev has been with me for the last two weeks.

    Very beautiful Orifxon Hotamov I found on youtube (see other videos by user as well):

    Thank you many times over. Happy Holidays.
