Friday 4 August 2017

Dhruba Ghosh (1957-2017) - The great Sarangi master passed away on 10th of july - In his memory a concert in Brussels in 2001

Only yesterday we received the very sad news that the great Sarangi master passed away already on 10th of july. May he rest in peace. We met him many many times and knew him not only as a great Sarangi player, indeed the greatest of his generation, whose concerts were always very touching and full of surprises, but also as an extremely lovely and lovable person, always gentle and kind. This is indeed a great and very sad loss.
This january we posted three LPs and cassettes with him: his very first solo recording, an LP where he accompanies his father and brother (both Tabla masters) and an LP by singer Dinkar Kaikini, one of Dhrubas teachers, with his Sarangi accompaniment. See here.
He recorded quite a number of CDs.

On the artist see: with a number of very beautiful videos.

Here we present in his memory a wonderful concert which took place in Brussels in 2001. We received these recordings as a set of two CDs from our friend D.M. Many thanks to him.


  1. It is very sad.

    I know several musicians who have played with Dhruba ji and they both said they were devastated at his untimely passing and said nothing but positive things about his performance and character.

    Thanks very much for this live recording!

  2. Something for you.

  3. This is very beautiful. Thank you so much for posting.
