Tuesday 11 July 2017

Muhamad Qadri Dalal - Alep - Syrie - Improvisations au Luth - LP published in France in 1986

Here an LP by the well-known master of the 'Ud, well-known through his participation in the famous Al Kindi Ensemble, which toured Europe and other parts of the world extensively and published quite a number of CDs, mostly accompanying legendary singers like Sabri Moudallal, Adib al-Dayikh and Hamza Shakkur. He also has a solo CD released by the Inédit label (see here).


  1. many thanks, loves me some luth

  2. Thnk 2 much ! So illustrative the musical scores

  3. Thanks, I was looking for that one quite a whilw.

  4. Dear Psikofobi, thank you very much for your regualar Teşekkürler notes. Very much appreciated.
