Thursday 15 June 2017

Syrie - Vol. 1 - Muezzins d'Alep - Chants Religieux de l'Islam - LP published 1980 in France

Here a wonderful LP of a group of Munshidin (religious or Sufi singers) from Aleppo, under the direction of the legendary Sabri Mudallal. Amongst them also the wellknown Hassan Haffar. We posted already three recordings by the great Sabri Mudallal (see here). We will post soon one of the many recordings by Hassan Haffar.
This LP was released later also on CD, but is no longer available since many years. A volume 2 was never published.


  1. thank you so much for this <3 waiting for more from the arab world

  2. Marvelous recording and a clear sing ! Dont miss it. Thnks 2 much.

  3. It's not working

  4. The links work perfectly. The fault must be on your side. Please try again till it works.

  5. I'm so sorry, but it appears that there was error while downloading file, i tried many computers.and the same notification appears to me

  6. I just downloaded both the wave and the mp3 files and it worked perfectly. The fault is not your PC but probabyl your internet connection. Please keep on trying at different times of the day or night.
