Tuesday 27 June 2017

Maqam-Al-Iraqi - Three concerts in Bonn, Cologne and Baghdad broadcast in 1977, 1978 & 1979 by WDR, Cologne, Germany

Here our second post in our series of recordings of the Maqam music of Iraq. Here we have longer Maqam suites which give a much better impression of this great musical tradition.
Many thanks to our friend KF who recorded these broadcasts, made a double CD out of them and created the covers. Many thanks for sharing them generously.


  1. enjoying this one, thx a lot <3

  2. Arrived here by happy accident as I stumbled thru the rabbit hole that is the internet. What a wonderful place you have here! Thanks so much for sharing all these amazing recordings!

  3. Beautiful, thanks a lot!

  4. thank you for all of your work on this website!

    Just as an fyi, the final track of the first disc skips about half way through.

  5. I will check this. Thank you.

  6. I only can detect an extremely small skip somewhere between 6:35 and 7:00. This is an old recording from the radio done on cassette and transferred to CD about 20 years ago. I can't do anything about this skip.I guess it is in the recording.
    The work this implied I could have used to publish another post.
