Wednesday 19 April 2017

Ali Akbar Khan - Soul of the Sarod - LP released in New York in 1982

Here the 13th LP by Ali Akbar Khan on our blog.


  1. Thanks a million Tawfiq for this AAK LP, one more gap filled in my Khansahib collection!

  2. Thank You So Much for digitizing such fine music LPs (and cassettes) and sharing with us! This is one of the best sounding and recorded records of Indian Classical Music that I've heard--but I see that it is an early digital recording so it seems great care was taken in terms of the sound quality. (Not always the case for small American independent labels, especially in the early 80's!). The tabla sound and balance is especially well-placed in this recording!

    (I have a Ravi Shankar CD also on 'Oriental Records' which is also a DDD recording from the early 1980's with similar superb sound quality so I wasn't surprised at the quality of this one, but your record transfer retains the 'warmth' of the analog sound even with this being a digital recording--Well Done--Superb sounding!!!! --dandor

  3. Other Ali Akbar Khan Links are not working

  4. Just checked the links. They are all working. Please try again.

  5. Working now, thanks
