Thursday 20 October 2016

Mirror and Song - A collection of 28 cassettes of regional and religious music of Iran published in Iran, recorded in 1994 - Cassette 27: Music of the Qashqai (Fars) & from Hawraman (Kurdistan)

Side A:
Music of the Qashqai - Ashiqi Music
Singer accompanying himself on Kemencheh  and a Tombak player

Side B:
1. Music of the Qashqai - Sarbani Music (that's what I read)
A singer accompanied by a Ney player
2. Music from Hawraman - Kurdistan

Note: The Qashqai are a nomadic tribe of Turkish origin living mainly in the province of Fars.

1 comment:

  1. On the cassette it writes "Uramanat (Kordestan)"
