Tuesday 28 June 2016

Aghakhan Abdullayev - Dorna - Musiqi Sanati Azerbaijan (Art Music of Azerbaijan) - Cassette published in Iran

Aghakhan Abdullayev (Aqakhan Abudllaev) is one of the most important and most traditional Mugham singers of Azerbaijan. Born in 1950, he is a student of the great Haji Baba Huseynov (1919-1993) and is regarded as the guardian of Mugham. He is also one of the most important teachers. Amongst his students is the famous Alim Qasimov. Here we present a cassette recorded and published in Iran. A wonderful CD has been published in France by InĂ©dit - Maison des Cultures du Monde. 
See: http://www.maisondesculturesdumonde.org/node/238

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, Tawfiq, thanks alot! This is highly appreciated!
