Sunday 2 November 2014

Nikhil Banerjee (1931-1986) at WDR, Cologne, Germany - Broadcasts recorded 1971, 1975 and 1984

CD 1:
Raga Bageshri (27.11.1971)
This recording was published by Chhanda Dhara on CD:
Nikhil Banerjee - Alltime Classics - CD 1 (SNCD 701/02)
(now no longer available)

Download CD 1 & Scans - wave
Download CD 1 & Scans - mp3

CD 2:
Raga Pilu (17.8.1975)

Download CD 2 - wave
Download CD 2 - mp3

CD 3:
Raga Desh (studio recording by WDR on 10.11.1984)

Download CD 3 - wave
Download CD 3 - mp3

CD 4:
Raga Mishra Khamaj
Ragas Pilu & Suha Sugharai (10.11.1984)

Download CD 4 - wave
Download CD 4 - mp3

CD 5:
Commentaries on Indian music given by Nikhil Banerjee
after the studio recording of Raga Desh (see CD 3)
(studio recording by WDR on 10.11.1984. Moderator: Jan Reichow)

Download CD 5 - wave
Download CD 5 - mp3

Many thanks to KF for the recordings and the covers.


  1. This is so great... Many thanx!

  2. Thank you.

    It's difficult not to think of Nikhqlji as the greatest musician who ever lived. It is probably hyperbole. But it seems so true when listening to him. Thanks for these; I had not heard these before.

  3. Thank you so much! Looking forward to the full set. And, perhaps, more live performances of Mr. Banerjee in the future. :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing this. Always wonderful to get decent quality live recordings of Nikhilda...

    The Bageshree is available in better quality from the CD release which you can hear in YT here:

    This might mean that a better master exists somewhere or the engineers who worked on the tape are very skillful

  5. The Radio recordings I post here were recorded from the actual broadcast and not copied directly from any mastertapes existing in the archives of the radio stations to which I have no access.
    Very strange that the recording here is about 4 minutes longer than the CD.

  6. Wonderful music! Thanks a million.

    Look forward to hear his commentaries as well (CD 5).

    Regards, Eigil

  7. Hi!

    What happened to the 5th disc?

    Thank you very much!

  8. My copy is incomplete. I'm waiting for a copy of the whole thing. This might take 1 or 2 months. Sorry.

  9. Ok, I understand. :) Looking forward!

  10. These are precious gems. Transferred from tapes made at home off the air? - well done. I am grateful to hear this delightful music, and appreciate the caring effort made to capture, transfer, and post it. May the blessing of your gifts return to you many fold!

  11. Thank you for posting the four parts. Do you have some plans to post the fifth part?

  12. See my answer a little more upwards.

  13. Thank you Tawfiqji for pointing to the previous comment.

  14. thanks a lot for this great upload.
    listening to it is like touching heavens.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Lovely music! My download of Disk 4 only has 9 tracks but the album lists 13. Do you only have 9? Any chance you could upload the other tracks? Thanks!

  17. Dear Tawfiq,

    You are doing and have done an amazing job. Cudos for such wonderful music. The effort behind must be monumental. Thanks also for allowing the democratization of music. It is meant to be heard and enjoyed. You are contributing significantly to make it possible.

    However, the A drive links are getting warnings from Google now:

    "The site ahead contains harmful programs

    Attackers on might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience"

    Yes there a possibility for some other download site or a different solution? I am happy to contribute if needed.

  18. Dear Tawfiq,

    You are doing and have done an amazing job. Cudos for such wonderful music. The effort behind must be monumental. Thanks also for allowing the democratization of music. It is meant to be heard and enjoyed. You are contributing significantly to make it possible.

    However, the A drive links are getting warnings from Google now:

    "The site ahead contains harmful programs

    Attackers on might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience"

    Yes there a possibility for some other download site or a different solution? I am happy to contribute if needed.

  19. ur work is extraordinary.words fail me still please accept my heartfelt thanks for saving and offering this music to music lovers

  20. Please check if file "NB - WDR - CD 4" is completed. Seems to lack Raga pilu's files (tracks 10-13). Thanks

  21. Thank you so much, Tawfiq.

  22. The audiofile is complete, just the track info on the backcover is not correct: tracks 1 to 6 is Raga Mishra Khamaj (there is no extra track for the "Ansage"). The track 8 is the complete Raga Pilu including the two Gats in Raga Suha Sugharai (as mentioned in the "Anmerkung") without any track divisions. If you would have listened carefully to the music you could have figured that out yourself. So in the future please first listen and listen again and again.

  23. Thank you so much! happiness.....
