Sunday 4 August 2013

Sheikh Yasin al-Tuhami - Vol. 3 - Sufi music from Egypt

Another cassette from Egypt: this time one by perhaps the greatest of Egyptian munshidin.

Sheikh Yasin al-Tuhami – Egypt

Sheikh Yasin al-Tuhami - Egypt
'Your spirit is mingled with my spirit, as amber is mingled with perfumed musk.'
Mansur  al Hallâj
Sheikh Yasin declaims the great Sufi poets. In a theatrical way, he searches for harmony through suffering, a suffering that is heard in his voice, broken with the emotion of a thousand sleepless nights. He uses his voice to accentuate words torn from another Islam. This is the Islam of the streets, the villages, the gallabiyas and the shisha; the last bastion of the poetry of the people of the Nile.
In his singing, the mythical 'habibi' (darling) of Egyptian song becomes a repeated incantation. The Sufi breath meanders between life, death, rebirth, hope and despair.
In the songs of this munshid (singer of poetry), there is the idea of something unfinished. In his way of fashioning a word or a rhyme, Sheikh Yasin seems to lose himself in a labyrinth that makes him an eternal pilgrim in his poetry.
Sheikh Yasîn al-Tuhâmi is unquestionably the most important Sufi munshid in Egypt today. Born in 1948 Yawata, a village community near Assiut, Sheikh Yasin had a traditional religious education learning Koranic recitation, the religious sciences and classical Arabic, all subjects that would enhance his career.  As no family member had ever been a munshid and there was no opportunity for him to learn the inshad at school, he therefore learned this art in his own way, by listening in at local Sufi gatherings.  He was also influenced by famous munshidin he heard on the radio, as well as Koranic singing and the great stars of Arab music such as Nasr al-Din Tubar, Mustafa Isma’il and above all, Umm Kalsoum.
Today Sheikh Tuhâmi is booked months in advance with more than 100 cassettes and CDs on the market, and a large number of private recordings on video and audio circulate among his fans. From his home in the charming small vilage of Hawatka near Assiut, he travels across Egypt for more than 200 nights every year, visiting Sufi gatherings from Aswan to Alexandria. His innovative style, his performance and his success have spawned many imitators that form a veritable  madrassa (school) based in the middle of Egypt and radiating his influence out across the country.


  1. nice to be able to really get deep into this music and explore

  2. One more beautiful cassette by another m'nshid.

    This is a real boon. Thanks a lot.


  3. Thank you! Thank you! Since 1998 when I disovered Al-Tuhami from his Paris recording I have been trying to find more music from him (and Ahmed Al-Tuni). He is one of my favourite singers in one of my favourite musical traditions. I will be using these .wav files for my radio program! As well as Ahmad al-Barrayn and al-Dishnawi and likely many more. Indian classical music is a large part of my show as well and I will be looking into the many older recordings you have listed.

    You can listen to my radio show online at

    Again, thank you!

  4. Hi... This one is not available any more... Could you re-up? Thank you!

  5. New links available now. Thanks for makng me aware.

  6. I've started a blog to post my own cratedigging.. First post is for Sheikh Yassine's Vol1 of the series and will post more. First time I've heard of im was from your post Tawfik ^_^ always in debt for your effort
