Sunday 25 August 2013

Folk Music from Neyshaboor (Nishapur), Khorasan, Iran - Cassette published in Iran end of 1980s or beginning of 1990s

Chaharomin Djashnvareh Mousiqi Fajr 
(4. Fajr Music Festival)

Neyshaboor - Mahali (regional or folk music from Neyshaboor or Nishapur)

Beautiful recordings of regional or local music (Mahali) from Neyshaboor in northeastern Khorasan. We had already posted a number of recordings from Khorasan before, one from northern and two from eastern Khorasan. American edition of a cassette originally published in Iran. 


  1. What label published this cassette? Pars Video's website doesn't seem to reference any of the cassettes here.

  2. Because they were published well over twenty years ago and were available only for a couple of years.

  3. Highly appreciated - like the others from this series you posted already.

  4. I've finally got round to listening to this series of cassettes, and I must say a huge thank you for them, Tawfiq!! Wow, what a high standard of performance & high quality of music at this Festival, it must have been a great place to be. The tapes are wonderful; I especially love how, listening as a set, you get a feel for the variety of styles of music meeting in this part of the world. I didn't realsie there was such variety within Iranian music - you can hear the Pakistani & Indian influences as well as the Arabic ones in the tapes from the south/eastern side of the country, there's a fair bit of Afghan string-sound in some of the eastern ones too, you can hear echoes of Azerbaijan in the one from Khorammabad, and of course the Torkaman tape is very like Turkmen music (though I'm glad it was labelled as I was struggling to think what other music it sounded like - - I obviously haven't listened to enough turkmen folk music yet!) It's hard to pick a favourite because they all have such different sound-worlds: just a wonderful set. Big big thank yous!!!!! 5 hours of wonderful listening!

  5. Unfortunately all the mahali cassettes don't seem to work anymore. Maybe it can be fixed and reuploaded. I'd like to listen to them so bad. Thanks a lot.

  6. thank you for sharing. is there any chance you can reup this? the link is dead.

  7. New download files are now provided.
    Thanks for making me aware.
