Sunday 14 July 2013

Al-Haj Abd ar-Rahman ben Moussa (1908-1997) - Al-Qur'an al-Karim - TCK 680 - Cassette from Morocco

We post here one more cassette by Haj Abd er-Rahman ben Moussa with beautiful Quran recitations, based on so-called "Andalusian" melodies, a style which has almost completely disappeared.
Before we had already posted three preceding volumes from this series (TCK 676, TCK 677 and TCK 679 and Vol. 1 and Vol. 60 of a complete Qur'an on 60 cassettes.

Side 1:
Surat 20: Ta Ha

Side 2:
Surat 19: Maryam

A complete Qur'an by this outstanding Qari (Qur'an reciter) can be downloaded here:
This seems to be a recording different from the one of which we had posted the first and last volumes.


  1. NIce!!
    Thank you!!!

  2. Thanks for more from Al-Haj Abd ar-Rahman ben Moussa! Wonderful stuff. I've enjoyed your recent Iranian folk music posts as well. Ramadan Mubarak!

  3. Dear Tim,
    thank you. To you too a very blessed Ramadan.

  4. Hello
    God bless you my brother Tawfiq
    Koran tapes very wonderful
    I hope to get likes of this cassette tapes from Morocco
    of Sheikh Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
    I am your brother, Walid Zaki of Egypt
