Thursday 4 April 2013

Masters of Vichitra Veena - Part I - Gopal Krishan (1926-?) - Some AIR recordings

In the past we had already posted a couple of recordings by some masters of the Vichitra Veena, an extremely rare instrument of classical North Indian music. First we had posted a cassette by Lal Mani Mishra (1924-1979) (see here). Then we had a beautiful LP from Pakistan by Habib Ali Khan Beenkar (1898-1971), the younger brother of Abdul Aziz Khan Beenkar, the inventor or re-inventor of the Vichitra Veena (see here), and finally we had another beautiful Vichitra Veena LP, again from Pakistan, by the legendary Sitar player Mohammed Sharif Khan Poonchhwala (1923-1980) (see here) who learned to play the Vichitra Veena also from Abdul Aziz Khan. 
As there are only very few recordings of Vichtra Veena masters available and it is such a beautiful instrument we will post here some concert recordings and radio programs by two great masters of the instrument from India. We start here with Gopal Krishan (1926-?). The recordings are from All India Radio.

Recordings courtesy of VN,  CD compilation and covers by KF.
Many thanks to both. 


  1. Many thanks for this rare upload !!

  2. I enjoyed very much the Patdip (or Patdeep) with Gladwyn Charles on tabla, Thank You! (I usually see his name spelled as "Gladwin"--either way that is my favorite name of all-time for a tabla player!! ;) --dandor

  3. nice one VN, KF and Mr. T. like that cover and glad to see some Gladwyn. thanks all :-)

  4. Salaam Tawfiq Bhai, i have been enjoying your blog rather immensly and you have shared with some great gems. Jazakallah
    On you Blog around the 2012 -2013 years, some of the links with A-Drive links are not working, it says the files are no longer available, Hoping you can assist.

  5. They are all working at the moment. I don't know why A-Drive sets them - without me doing anything - to private.

  6. Thanks Tawfiq Bhai

    I have tried again and still get the message, almost all the 2013 and 2014 (Jan - Jul) are unavailable on Adrive.

    I appreciate all your efforts, sorry for the trouble :)

  7. Now I understand the problem. See my last post. For this post I put in now the new links. Thank you very much for making me aware of the problem.
