Thursday 7 February 2013

Rapidshare: all links work perfectly.

First of all: all links work perfectly. But qite a number of visitors of this blog don't seem to know yet the new policies of Rapidshare: they limited their public traffic as of 27th of november 2012. So if the message comes up that the public traffic is exhausted you just have to wait till next morning (European time as Rapidshare is based in Switzerland). Please be aware of this when you want to download recordings from this blog. Thank you.


  1. no sir , i actually tried that too, could you repost the links on mediafire that would be really helpful instead of useless waiting for Rapidshare till morning.

  2. They work perfectly. Every day many people download successfully. The problem must be on your site.

  3. hi, and thanks a lot for all this great recordings !!! however there are some links who doesn't work like
    Ustad Amir Muhammad !!! i would like to download this recordings and also biltoon but doesn't you know why and is it possible to have this ? and thanks again !!! i love your blog guy !!

  4. I don't know what your problem is. I just downloaded Ustad Amir Muhammad and both Bilton files successfully.
    What message do you get from Rapidshare when you try to download?

  5. hi, so when i try to download some records, ther is this message :
    Téléchargement indisponible
    File owner's public traffic exhausted. (da3c7b74)
    like you said before about traffic exept that it's more than a month i try to download but always this message. :( i have notice that the old post are often not work...

  6. This is exactly what is described here. So you have to wait till next morning (European time)!!!! Is that so difficult to understand?!
    Yesterday I downloaded all successfully after seven in the evening.
