Friday 15 July 2011

Hafiz (master singers) of the Ferghana Valley (Uzbekistan) - The traditional performing art of Central Asia - Double LP Melodiya M30 48513 007 (1988)

Recordings 1963 – 1985
With introductions (in Uzbek) by R. Abdulaev, spoken by M. Rahimova

LP 1 - Katta Ashula (Great Song)
Side 1:
1. Introduction (1:49)
2. Mamatbuva Sattorov (5:01)
3. Introduction (3:26)
4. B. Rajabov & H. Muhammedov (7:45)
5. Introduction (1:40)
6. S. Hoshimov & O. Soliev (3:56)

Side 2:
1. Introduction (1:47)
2. Sh. Boyqo’ziev & M. Yusupov (4:14)
3. Introduction (0:57)
4. H. Hikmatov, O. Sarimsoqov & T. Ergashev (4:25)
5. Introduction (0:13)
6. Not clear who sings (4:18)
7. Introduction (0:28)
8. T. Ergashev and others (3:24)
9. Introduction (1:00)
10. O. Yusupov & N. Sayidnazarov (3:38)

LP 2 - Maqom of the Ferghana Valley
Side 3:
1. Introduction (1:15)
2. Mamatbuva Sattorov (5:48)
3. Introduction (1:24)
4. Jurakhan Sultanov (4:16)
5. Introduction (1:43)
6. E. Ergashev (3:54)
7. Introduction (1:02)
8. Mamurjan Uzakov (4:28)

Side 4:
1. Introduction (1:26)
2. Rasul Qori Mamadaliev (4:51)
3. Introduction (1:01)
4. K. Hamroqulov (5:51)
5. Introduction (1:01)
6. Fattohkhan Mamadaliev (7:45)

The first LP contains some fine examples of Katta Ashula (great song), a purely vocal genre of Uzbek song, performed by professional singers (Hafiz).
The second LP contains fine examples of the classical Maqam music of the Ferghana Valley, performed by a Hafiz, accompanied by a small instrumental ensemble. 

On Katta Ashula see:

Thanks to Zwan for helping with the transcriptions on the covers.


  1. Another marvellous album - thank you! I'm sure I'd have enjoyed it even more if I could have understood the introductions & what they said about each singer! One question: are you sure about track 4 on side 4? Credited to Hamroqulov, it sounded like another song by Fattohkan Mamadaliev to me (& the intro talks a lot about him, but doesn't mention Hamroqulov as far as I can hear). Keep up the good work!!

  2. The attribution for track 4 is given according to the backside of the record cover and the label. But you are right: it sounds very much like another recording by Mamadaliev and his name is mentioned at least twice in the introduction.

  3. Hi Tawfiq. I've spent a happy month indulging in Uzbek music and came back to these Mamadaliev track(s) with the benefit of more listening. Though it wasn't too hard to work out in the end - track 4 is definitely Mamadaliev, it's the same song as track 4 on the cassette by him which you put up (called 'Ol khabar')!

  4. Hi David,
    thank you. Here you can dowmload more Fattohxon Mamadaliev:

  5. Ha! I thought I'd finally tracked down another Jurakhan Sultanov recording, but it's the same pice they reissued on the CD "Uzbekistan: Great Voices of the Past. I'm pretty sure they call it a "great song" in the liner notes, and state that it dates to 1957. ? Anyways, now I get to hear the rest of the record, so no worries. THANKS!
