Tuesday 26 July 2011

Azerbaijan - Zerbi-Mugams and Shikeste - Seid Shushinsky (1889-1965) - Alim Qasimov - Shovket Alekperova - Gyulkhar Gasanova - Double LP Melodiya M30-48473 005 (1989)

LP 1

Side 1:
1. Seid Shushinsky - Arazbary (12:35)
2. Seid Shushinsky - Mansuriya (4:42)

Side 2:
1. Alim Qasimov - Simai-Shems (9:56)
2. Alim Qasimov - Mani (6:52)

LP 2

Side 3:
1. Alim Qasimov - Eiraty (11:19)
2. Alim Qasimov - Ovshary (4:25)
3. Alim Qasimov - Eidari (2:54)

Side 4:
1. Shovket Alekperova - Kesme Shikeste (9:23)
2. Gyulkhar Gasanova - Karabakh Shikesti (5:03)

Zerbi-Mughams and Shikeste are rhythmic Mughams and form a small group of independent Mughams. Some Zerbi-Mughams used in the 19th century are still performed: 'Garabag shikestesi', 'Shirvan shikestesi', 'Kesme shikestesi', 'Zerbi-Samayi-Shams', 'Zerbi-Mansuriyye', 'Arazbare', 'Ovshari', 'Mani', 'Heyrati'  and some others.
In Jean During's book "La Musique traditionnelle de l'Azerbayjan et la science des Muqams" is a chpater devoted to this special form of Mugham. The book can be obtained from: info@raga-maqam-dastgah.com

Seyid (Seid) Shushinski (Mir Movsum Aga Seyid Ibrahim Oglu’s stage name) was born in 1889 in Horadiz village of Shusha region and died there 1965. He was one of the most important Khanende (singer) in the first part of the past century. Many great singers, like Khan Shushinski and Yaqub Memmedov, were students of him. He represents the style of Qarabag.


  1. Wonderful! Thank you again, Tawfiq!

  2. I guess Alim Qasimov is supposed to be the bid draw on this set, but I have to say I enjoyed the ladies' work more! Thanks for this one Tawfiq!

  3. Dear David,
    of course Alim Qasimov is always very exciting and these recordings are mongst his earliest.
    But for me the most interesting is the great master Seid Shushinsky (1889-1965) who has an old and very special way of singing and was the teacher of several generations of great singers like Khan Shushinsky, Yaqub Mammadov etc. But to listen to him needs perhaps more patience and his greatness might not be evident richt away.
    Best greetings
